For Women Ready to Boldly Leap into Their Next Adventure!

8-Week Live Course + Community


Are You Ready to Embrace
Your Third Act?

Your Third Act
/yoor THərd akt/


  1. The time of your life when you cease having fucks to give about anything other than joyfully living the life you were born to live!

  2. The period in a woman’s life (typically between 45-60+), entering, immersed in, or post-menopause, when an inner transformation occurs and you know it's time to step into your awesome power, wisdom, and beauty and design your life in accordance with your deepest desires as only you can.


  1. Third-Acting: Describing a state of being where one is fully embracing their innate power, living unapologetically, and creating a life aligned with their deepest desires. 


Embrace Your Third Act is much more than an 8-week course…
it’s a declaration and a movement.

There’s no better time to start living intentionally

Imagine having an exquisitely designed program to support you in stepping into this new chapter with a community of vibrant, like-minded women, all ready to leap into their next adventure with boundless enthusiasm, practical wisdom, joy, and endless encouragement. 

No more waiting for something to happen.
We are going to BE what happens!


Step Into the Life You’ve Envisioned

Are you…

  • Struggling to envision your next chapter?

  • Looking for that certain “spark” to light the path forward?

  • Feeling uncertain about how to pursue your Third Act dreams?

  • Wondering how this could even happen with your current demands and obligations?

  • Seeking a supportive, like-minded community to share and grow with as you take these bold steps?

Imagine a life where your inner desires and outer realities align, allowing you to fully inhabit the world you create for yourself.

Embrace Your Third Act is a meticulously designed experience to guide and support you toward your most beautiful future. Through weekly guidance and exercises, you’ll connect with your inner wisdom and embark on a transformative journey.

With activating meditations, visioning exercises, actionable steps, and a focus on soulful abundance, you will be empowered to manifest your dreams while staying deeply connected to who you truly are.


"Working this way felt magical to me. The lightness I started to feel midway through and the many synchronicities that began to happen as I took steps toward my heart's desire invited me to take more each day! Thank you." - Ariana B.


 What are you dreaming up for your Third Act?


Entering your Third Act era means embracing your power and knowing your dreams are not just possible, but inevitable. 

We will meet weekly on Zoom to envision, inspire, and support each other’s next steps. Whether your dreams are five years away or just around the corner, let yourself drop into your heart and listen to its deepest desires. This journey requires courage and a willingness to be led by love every step of the way.

Incorporating the elements of ease, grace, and synchronicity, the program emphasizes how living in alignment invites magical synchronicities into our daily lives. You will discover the loving support that is always available to you, often unnoticed. 

Every session and practice will bring you closer to your true self, putting you directly in touch with your own soulful abundance.

You’ll Also Receive…

  • Visioning Exercises: Gain clarity on your future and visualize the life you want to create. These exercises are designed to help you see beyond your current circumstances and envision a vibrant, fulfilling future.

  • Energy and Intuition Medicine: Receive support to help you feel your best, connect with your inner voice, and strengthen your intuition. By aligning your own energy, you'll be able to ground your vision into reality with ease and grace, empowering you to move confidently toward your dreams.

  • Meditations: Cultivate inner peace and focus through guided meditations. These will help you tap into your inner wisdom, reduce stress, and let go of anything no longer serving your highest good. They also help you to maintain a positive mindset as you navigate this transformative phase of your life.

  • Soulful Abundance Techniques: Embrace a mindset of abundance and gratitude. Learn techniques to attract and manifest abundance in all areas of your life, from personal fulfillment to financial prosperity.

  • Connection Sessions: Build meaningful relationships with like-minded women. Sharing your vision(s) allows for deep connections, while also helping you to let go of conditioned thinking and limiting thoughts, allowing space for your authentic wisdom to shine through.

  • Community and Networking: Be part of a supportive community of vibrant, like-minded women. Share stories, celebrate victories, and grow together!


I never imagined I could let go of so much that was holding me back and take such a big leap forward in such a short time. This program reflected back to me what my gifts really are and gave me the tools and support I needed to take bold steps toward embracing them and my bright future." - Emily R.


If you’re seeing this, you’re in luck…

✨️ Use code EMBRACE to save 11%! ✨️

This applies to Pay-in-Full or Payment Plan options.
Hurry, this special launch discount won’t be available for long!



8-Week Immersive Online Course & Your New Favorite Community

  • Weekly Sessions (Live on Zoom) on Mondays from 7-9pm PST

  • Weekly Tips, Meditations, and Exercises

  • Community of Amazing Women

  • One 30-Minute Private Onboarding Session with Maureen

  • Access to Three (3) Additional Private Coaching Sessions with Maureen [See Payment Options Below]






Have any questions? Reach out via Email


Meet Your Guide

I’m Maureen Theresa Smith, and my work over 30+ years has inspired and empowered girls and women through times of transition, equipping them with the tools and support systems necessary to pursue their dreams and desires with fun, happiness, and joy.

I’ve written multiple books, worked with women individually, and facilitated several programs—all dedicated to helping you tune into your inner knowing and innate body wisdom. By doing so, you can channel this knowledge to bring your dreams and visions to life!

Particularly during the big shifts we experience in menopause (aka Epic Blooming/Fierce Becoming), this process becomes a powerful force that propels—and compels—us into our fullest beauty and power.

We can tap into this, and fully embrace it, to take the steps necessary to listen to the whispers of our soul, live into our dreams and intentionally make this time in our lives the very best yet!

How I’m Actively Preparing for my Third Act

I am 57 years young, and after 31 years of being a single working mom, with an empty nest just 3 years away, I am ready to plan the next chapter of my life. 

Earlier this year, I took my daughter to Paris. I lived in France for a year when I was 20 and it was incredible to be back again soaking up all the beauty, sites, and sounds!

On my last day, as I was saying “Au revoir” to the lovely woman who rented us our Airbnb, I was suddenly overcome with tears and a deep feeling that I never wanted to leave. It completely took me by surprise. That was the day my third act embraced me and said, “Get ready… we’re going to be living in Paris in a few years!”

Reflecting on my journey, there have been times I’ve let myself down, falling short of really going for my dreams. But along the way, I’ve also stayed true to my heart.

I’ve written two published books, designed and facilitated many programs and groups for women and girls, have a successful 30-year career in philanthropy raising funds for causes near and dear, received my Masters Certification in Intuition Medicine™️️, and raised two wonderful children.

Now, as I enter this next phase, I want to live with more ease and grace while fully living into my deepest desires. I want my kids to see their mom continue to follow her dreams and live a life of purpose and magic every step of the way.

So, for my third act, I am moving to Paris—a city of exquisite beauty, mystique, and the essence of home.

I have felt the love of a person, the bond of an animal, and in Paris, I feel embraced by the very soul of the city. Now, I invite you to join me as we each plan and step boldly into our own Third Acts!



  • Embrace Your Third Act combines live interactive sessions, personalized coaching, intuition medicine and a supportive community to create a transformative experience. Unlike pre-recorded courses, this program offers real-time engagement, tailored guidance, and deep connections with other women on similar journeys.

  • All live sessions are recorded and made available to participants within 24 hours. You can watch the recordings at your convenience and still benefit from the content and exercises.

  • Yes! While the course is designed with women entering their "third act" (45 years +) in mind, the principles and exercises are beneficial for women at various stages of life who are looking for transformation and personal growth.

  • In addition to the live sessions, you will have access to a personalized coaching session, community forum for ongoing support, and weekly tips and exercises delivered to your inbox.

  • Absolutely! We have participants from various time zones. All live sessions are recorded, and I will send you the the materials to review at any time that suits you.

  • The course is designed to be flexible. You can catch up on recordings and complete exercises at your own pace. Trust your timing. Our forums are a great place to check in and stay on track.

  • No prior knowledge or experience is necessary. The course is designed to accommodate women from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

  • Our course is designed to be flexible and adaptable to various personal situations and goals. Our initial intake and personalized coaching component ensures that your unique needs are addressed.

  • You will have access to a private community forum where you can interact with other participants, share your journey, and build supportive relationships.

  • Upon completion, you will have an opportunity to continue being a part of our supportive community and have opportunities for further growth and connection with 2 monthly group sessions.


Have a question not answered here? Reach out:


Your Exquisite Future Awaits

Give yourself permission to dream, leap, and live the life you’ve always desired.

This is your moment.

Embrace Your Third Act is here to support you every step of the way. 

Let’s have fun, be wild, sexy, passionate, and joyous!

What do YOU want to do with your wonderful life?

Take the leap with us and let’s create this adventure together—made with love, undeniably for YOU.

Join the Movement Today: Embrace Your Third Act and start living your most beautiful life. 

Your future is waiting, and it’s going to be spectacular!